Welcome To Reformed Fitness

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Virtual 1 on 1 Personal Training & Health Coaching

Schedule Your Free Discovery Call

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Welcome To Reformed Fitness

Are you a busy professional looking to get in the best shape of your life without spending hours per week in the gym? Reformed Fitness offers Virtual 1 on 1 Personal Training & Health Coaching Services to help busy professionals shed 10 pounds of fat in 9 weeks with only two 30-minute workouts per week. Seriously, That's It!



How Our Clients Transformed Their Fitness Routine


Break through Plateau

"I was beating myself up in the gym 4-5 days a week. I was putting in so much effort and not seeing the results I was working so hard for. The science based approach of Reformed Fitness allowed me to break through plateau while saving me time!"

Marissa W


Lifetime of health

"My experience with Reformed Fitness and, specifically, with my trainer Xavier, has been nothing short of transformational. Having spent many years being a multisport high school and college athlete, I never thought I'd experience such renewed motivation and passion towards my fitness journey again. But, here I am, 10 months later, stronger, more focused, and fully engaged."

Leslie K


Keeping me Honest

" Reformed Fitness is a fantastic new approach to personal trainers. For businesspeople who travel not only are the workouts compact and effective when home, but it easily translates to when you're on the road and you can facetime with your trainer and not lose momentum in your fitness journey."

Nick R


Why Choose Reformed Fitness?

Stop wasting hours a week on exercise! At Reformed Fitness, we specialize in efficient, Virtual 1 on 1 Personal Training & Health Coaching services tailored to your unique goals. Our evidence-based approach ensures that every workout you do is efficient, effective, and safe.

Book Your FREE Discovery Call

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Our World-Class Personal Trainers at Reformed Fitness bring a wealth of expertise to every session. With a combined nearly 30 years in the industry, close to 100,000 hours of training experience, and degrees in Exercise Science, our team is equipped with top certifications, including ACSM Certified Exercise Physiologist, NASM Weight Loss Specialist, NASM Behavioral Change Specialist, and HITUni Certified High-Intensity Training Specialist. Rest assured, every workout is a 5-star experience tailored just for you.

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With Reformed Fitness, your busy schedule is no longer an obstacle. With just two 30 minute virtual 1 on 1 workouts per week, our world-class personal trainers maximize the efficiency of your workouts without compromising results. These high-intensity sessions are designed to torch calories, boost metabolism, and sculpt lean muscle, allowing you to see tangible progress in just a few weeks regardless of your previous workout experience.

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Reformed Fitness understands that every person's fitness goals are unique. With our Virtual 1 on 1 Personal Training and 63 Day Transformation Program, our World-Class Personal Trainers & Health Coaches tailor each part of the experience to meet your individual needs, preferences, and goals. Whether it's coaching and guiding you through workouts or providing guidance around our Big 5 Habits, we ensure that each participant receives the support they need to succeed.

5 Star Experience

Reformed Fitness offers evidence based, Virtual 1 on 1 Personal Training & Health Coaching services, helping busy professionals reach their fitness goals with only two 30-minute workouts per week.


Your Trainer, Anywhere

Welcome to Reformed Fitness – your ultimate solution for efficient, Virtual 1 on 1 Personal Training and Health Coaching services. We understand that your time is precious, especially as a busy professional. Our evidence-based approach ensures maximum results with just two 30-minute workouts per week. Whether you prefer to exercise at home or in the gym, our expert personal trainers will create a custom fitness plan tailored to your unique needs.

Our 63 Day Transformation Program is designed to help you shed 10 pounds of fat in just 9 weeks. With Reformed Fitness, you'll never waste time on ineffective exercises. Our full-body workouts are scientifically designed to help you achieve your fitness goals quickly and sustainably.

Ready to take the first step towards looking and feeling healthier? At Reformed Fitness, your personal coach is ready to provide you with a FREE Discovery Call so you can feel the difference of an evidence based workout. Achieve lasting change and surpass your expectations. Don’t settle for generic workouts – choose Reformed Fitness and experience real, transformative results!

Take control of your fitness routine today with Reformed Fitness. Get started now!


Ready to get started?

Experience the benefits of evidence-based exercise with your FREE Discovery Call. In just 45 minutes, not only will you receive a full body workout, but we'll also take the time to understand your goals and motivations, enabling us to tailor a personalized program just for you. Schedule now and we'll arrange a convenient virtual meeting via Zoom, Google Meet, or FaceTime for your workout.